Do Not Be Deceived!

Do Not Be Deceived!
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves." -Jesus (Matthew 7:15)

My Family...the Writers and so much more.

My Family...the Writers and so much more.
The love for writing has been captured in my daughter Jeri. Actually my love for flowers, creativity, writing, pondering and simplicity are all quite reflective in who she is. Now she would like to share her thoughts with you. You can visit her at

Why Write?

Why Write?
Someone asked me the other night why do I write on my blog. Two reasons...First, for myself. It is a way for me to consider my thoughts. I may not have all the answers but I am certainly searching for them. Secondly, I write for my daughters. I plan to have these memoirs turned into a book someday. Then when the day comes that I am no longer physically with them my girls can read my thoughts, the things I pondered, what I believed, how I struggled, who I loved and what I hated. And in reading they will know me and know my ways. Kinda like the Bible.

The Gutierrez Family - 2011

The Gutierrez Family - 2011
Love One Another

Sunday, April 24, 2011

So super Proud of her!

In January 2011 I saw a posting in the FEAST Manna for fifth graders to participate in a creative writing contest. So naturally I told Jeri she was entering, of course she refused. But a few nights before it was due I sat her down and gave her some inspiration. The topic was "Why I Am Glad America is a Nation of Immigrants." Since this wasn't a topic we discussed often I thought if she could see pictures of immigrants on the internet and read their stories it might help her. But as we were researching I remembered that old song from Neil Diamond called "Coming to America." I quickly looked on
you tube and we watched the following video.
It seemed to come very easy afterward. Now the contest rules said the final product could be an essay, interview, story or poem. So we opted for the poem. As we watched the video we sat and discussed what it was we were watching. We talked about the different people, where they came from, what brought them here, what America offered that was different from where they were coming from. We talked about history, how our country was started and why it was started. Then we started pointing out key words and thoughts. The next thing we know we were rhyming words and out came a rough draft of thoughts. Jeri typed it on the computer and I forwarded it on to the FEAST office for editing. Then off it went to the law office for judging. Wednesday I received a phone call that Jeri's poem won 1st place in San Antonio as well as at the State level. It has been forwarded on to compete in the National level. If she wins we could win a trip to San Diego where she will read her poem to those attending the Immigration Councils Annual Benefit Dinner. She will also have the privilege of having her poem published in the Congressional Record.  We are so excited. In the meantime Jeri will receive a mini Statue of Liberty and $100.00 on May 18th at Trinity University.
I am so proud of her. Jeri has always loved to write. I have countless stories packed away that she has written over the years. She loves to write creatively. I am eager to see how this will develop in her life. I believe she will go on to do great things with her thoughts!

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