Do Not Be Deceived!

Do Not Be Deceived!
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves." -Jesus (Matthew 7:15)

My Family...the Writers and so much more.

My Family...the Writers and so much more.
The love for writing has been captured in my daughter Jeri. Actually my love for flowers, creativity, writing, pondering and simplicity are all quite reflective in who she is. Now she would like to share her thoughts with you. You can visit her at

Why Write?

Why Write?
Someone asked me the other night why do I write on my blog. Two reasons...First, for myself. It is a way for me to consider my thoughts. I may not have all the answers but I am certainly searching for them. Secondly, I write for my daughters. I plan to have these memoirs turned into a book someday. Then when the day comes that I am no longer physically with them my girls can read my thoughts, the things I pondered, what I believed, how I struggled, who I loved and what I hated. And in reading they will know me and know my ways. Kinda like the Bible.

The Gutierrez Family - 2011

The Gutierrez Family - 2011
Love One Another

Saturday, July 9, 2011

It's Quite a List...Latest Reading for Me!

There are several books on my summer reading list for 2011. They range from a variety of topics covering everything from Biblical Womanhood to Homeschooling, to seeing the Tolerated Sin within ourselves all the way to a rising debate on Heaven and Hell.

I find this a great book....but highly controversial. Their approach to biblical womanhood and femininity is precise and truthful but it is a hard message to swallow. I would recommend this book. I would caution, however, that loads of grace is required! Grace for yourself and grace to give. 

2. Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe by Todd Wilson. I have not read this book yet. I am looking forward to seeing what the husband of a homeschooling wife has to say, not mention his perspective as a father of homeschooling children. As a woman, be it that I homeschool, or am a wife, or a friend or whatever my disposition may be I tend to be easily influenced by many things. I guess that is why I am a daughter of Eve. And left to myself many of the things I ponder can take deep root into my heart. And without any fault of my own, completely innocent many of these things can be outright lies and deceptions. I am eager to read through these pages the lies Satan has tried to pour into my life to keep me from seeing the Truth of my Lord.

3. Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges is our current Titus 2 book of the month selection. We will be discussing this one in August. I have read this before but am delighted to read it again. It is a MUST read message for every believer today. The message of the Gospel is a message for Sinners... it is a message for Me! Mr. Bridges has a simple way to make the everyday, learned believer that we are not immune to sin and are in need of the Gospel just as much today as in the day when we first believed. As a matter of fact the closer we come to Jesus the more profoundly we should be able to see the subtle everyday sin that lingers in our heart. The problem is that we have become used to it, never the less, it is still a stench to the LORD.

4. Lies Young Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free
by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Dannah Cresh. I am currently skimming through this one to read along side my daughter Jamie. Jamie is 14 years old and very innocent minded. God has been gracious in guiding us to kept her pure in so many areas of her being. This book is loaded with Truth. It speaks to todays young ladies and the struggles they encounter. I would urge caution with those of you who have daughters who are not to familiar sexual sin, abuse and other things that target young ladies today. This book exposes the lies of Satan and brings the remedy of God Truthful Word to heal many who have been wounded by the deceptions and standards that are so easily accepted as normal today.

5. & 6. Now these two next books are truly the center of my reading right now. I stumbled across the title  Love Wins by Rob Bell while listening to a message at the web site of Ravi Zacharias. After reading and listening to the commentary I immediately wanted to read this book for myself. I started researching this book more and more and my initial thoughts were becoming more confirmed...the message in Love Wins is a partial truth. It has scriptures quoted and biblical story accounts but the conclusion he comes to is a modern message. It is not in line with the traditional teachings of old...which is partly his argument. He is trying to tell his reader that maybe what we have been taught for so many years about heaven and hell is NOT really what Jesus meant. He is trying to build a case to state that after we die nobody will really be sent to hell after all because the love of God is so great it conquers banishing anyone to hell.
BUT God's timing is always perfect...while researching Love Wins I received an email that Erasing Hell the newest book by Francis Chan was being released the following day. Now I have to admit...I know many, many people love Mr. Chan but I am more reserved. Only because I think his message in Crazy Love can cause feeble minds to focus on how much God loves us that we can fail to recognize that the wonderful God that loves us so very much is also a God who desired to pour out His wrath on us. I know the latter part of that statement is something not many people desire to associate with such a loving God but it is Truth and is displayed in the crucifixion of His beloved Son...Jesus.
Now after watching a video from Francis Chan about Erasing Love  I went and bought the book and started reading it. I have not put it down, I agree with his thoughts... after all they are all based in scripture. Now I have to admit I have never had an in-depth study of heaven and hell. But I believe God is starting to give me understanding on the topics of heaven and hell as I research/read these two books and study Gods Word. I think it is important to weigh how scripture is taught against scripture itself and wait on the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth.  In a time when many people say they believe in God and even associate themselves as followers of Christ, I think it is important to know exactly who this God is that we say we follow. All you and I can do is weigh the evidence. Do this by studying history, reading books and really studying the Bible. I know there are many "God loving people" who don't believe that God would cast anyone to hell but read why he says that would happen. Read in His Word why He says that has to happen. After a thorough study Of Isaiah last year in BSF I have come to believe we can never truly even begin to capture a glimpse of God's true love for us until we understand and come to terms with His Wrath toward sin.
I also want to say I have gained a new appreciation for Mr. Chan. :)

This is an MSNBC interview between Martin Bashir and Love Wins author Rob Bell about Rob's overall message in Love Wins. Notice how Mr. Bell squirms while trying  to dodge answering Mr. Bashir's questions. But even more fascinating then that is watch Mr. Bashir try to make an argument against Mr. Bell in defense of the true Gospel Message. WOWSERS!!!!  I don't know where Mr. Bashirs religious loyalties lie but I do know as a journalist he is being politically correct. If we live in a time where any other religion can be given the liberties to stand on whatever they believe then Christianity has the same right to stand on what it believes to be truthful according to the Word of God without change or compromise...and Mr. Bashir is setting a platform for that. Way to Go Martin!

I hope you will grow in all godliness and be encouraged by the greatness of God's character. When we study topics like heaven and hell we can question our faith. We are apt to turn from a God who would "punish." But remember God desires that all, you and me and everyone in between, would turn to him in repentance. That we as a sinful people, that you or me, as sinners would turn to Him and receive the forgiveness and healing our lives so desperately need.
On a personal note...I was saved rather young, made a declaration for Christ in my twenties but was truly converted in my thirties. As a youngster I was "invited to church" by a church goer. I heard of hell, was afraid and said a prayer. But I never knew God. As a young woman I did the same thing but this time I started to read my Bible but I fell in love with the message of how much God loved me and how wonderful I was! Yet, I still was hateful with Ramiro, a horrible mother, selfish, name it! I never exhibited or yielded any fruit of the Spirit and I never yielded fruit that bore witness that I was truly remorseful. Then four years ago I heard the Gospel message that I am a sinner and all that it entails and I was truly sorrowful and for the first time in my conversion I began to be transformed. You see I could never truly understand God's great, great love for me until I understood what I was...a sinner...and what I deserved...God's wrath. And when I realized Jesus stood in front of me to take my deserving punishment in stead of me...oh how grateful and thankful I became. In all honesty I was never thankful for the gift of Jesus because I never understood what it was he really did.


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