Me with Jorgie at 4 months old. |
But I have to share a moment I just had with Jorgie.
Good old Jorgie. My four year old. That says it all right there.
Jorgie is going through a time of growth...mentally, physically, emotionally,
behaviorally and most of all spiritually. She is having to endure the consequences of...
simply put...bad behavior. Shocked!!! Don't be. We are born sinners. We have to be taught good. We are born with a desire to do wrong and little Ms. Jorgie is no different. But as I rubbed her back while she fell asleep I couldn't help but be grateful for the moment I was having with her...and yes, the moments that led up to it.
You see Jorgie was doing what she does best right now...throwing fits!! She doesn't get what she wants...she throws a fit. This time was no different. So I tried to sit her down for a moment but her fit just grew and then eventually grew into hitting me, pulling my hair and telling me I was "bad." So as she endured her "reward" for that she finally started to calm down. I began to give her a bath, get her dressed, read her a Bible story, lay her in bed, talk with her, pray with her, sing to her, hold her and then eventually kissed her as she fell asleep. Do you know how much time it took to carry that "moment" out? Quite a bit! Had I been to busy to truly love my daughter I would have missed that moment to teach, to discipline, to love, to talk, to hold, to pray, to guide and to forgive. That moment was just as much for Jorgie as it was for me. I am so grateful God has given me the time to really raise my daughters. I have been given the time to do all God has commanded me to that is required in caring for and raising children. Is it hard? Yes! Do I "love" these teachable, revelation filled moments? Not while I am going through it. It is when it is finished that I feel the rest and the benefit. There are many lessons learned tonight. I have a grateful heart unto my God who has granted the steps of my life to learn these lessons!
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