Do Not Be Deceived!

Do Not Be Deceived!
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves." -Jesus (Matthew 7:15)

My Family...the Writers and so much more.

My Family...the Writers and so much more.
The love for writing has been captured in my daughter Jeri. Actually my love for flowers, creativity, writing, pondering and simplicity are all quite reflective in who she is. Now she would like to share her thoughts with you. You can visit her at

Why Write?

Why Write?
Someone asked me the other night why do I write on my blog. Two reasons...First, for myself. It is a way for me to consider my thoughts. I may not have all the answers but I am certainly searching for them. Secondly, I write for my daughters. I plan to have these memoirs turned into a book someday. Then when the day comes that I am no longer physically with them my girls can read my thoughts, the things I pondered, what I believed, how I struggled, who I loved and what I hated. And in reading they will know me and know my ways. Kinda like the Bible.

The Gutierrez Family - 2011

The Gutierrez Family - 2011
Love One Another

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mommy Moments

Me with Jorgie at 4 months old.
It's been a few months since I wrote...that is a slight indication of how busy I have been.
But I have to share a moment I just had with Jorgie.
Good old Jorgie. My four year old. That says it all right there.
Jorgie is going through a time of growth...mentally, physically, emotionally,
behaviorally and most of all spiritually. She is having to endure the consequences of...
simply put...bad behavior. Shocked!!! Don't be. We are born sinners. We have to be taught good. We are born with a desire to do wrong and little Ms. Jorgie is no different. But as I rubbed her back while she fell asleep I couldn't help but be grateful for the moment I was having with her...and yes, the moments that led up to it.
You see Jorgie was doing what she does best right now...throwing fits!! She doesn't get what she wants...she throws a fit. This time was no different. So I tried to sit her down for a moment but her fit just grew and then eventually grew into hitting me, pulling my hair and telling me I was "bad." So as she endured her "reward" for that she finally started to calm down. I began to give her a bath, get her dressed, read her a Bible story, lay her in bed, talk with her, pray with her, sing to her, hold her and then eventually kissed her as she fell asleep. Do you know how much time it took to carry that "moment" out? Quite a bit! Had I been to busy to truly love my daughter I would have missed that moment to teach, to discipline, to love, to talk, to hold, to pray, to guide and to forgive. That moment was just as much for Jorgie as it was for me. I am so grateful God has given me the time to really raise my daughters. I have been given the time to do all God has commanded me to that is required in caring for and raising children. Is it hard? Yes! Do I "love" these teachable, revelation filled moments? Not while I am going through it. It is when it is finished that I feel the rest and the benefit. There are many lessons learned tonight. I have a grateful heart unto my God who has granted the steps of my life to learn these lessons!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Being Busy...

The girls have been very busy since the beginning of is just a small glimpse of the "Goings-On."
 First we have the girls, helping mom, babysit Serena's adorable twins EJ & Frankie while mama got some much earned R&R.
Next we dressed up like "Cow's" for Chickfila's Annual Customer Appreciation Day with the Vasquez and Flores Families. It was  a lot of fun and we got to eat some delicious food! 

Early summer we went to visit my long time dear, dear friend Betty Dovalina and her little miracle...Jeffery! Betty has the most special place in my heart. She gave me a chance when I needed it and chance turned into a treasured friendship. We have been friends over twenty years. Betty has seen the hand of Jesus transforming clay from brokenness to beauty. What a sweet, sweet friend!

July 4th we turned our attentions to the flag and foundations of our country. We made a beautiful flag cake with the Flores Family. We read, ate treats and made American Flags as we celebrated the birth of our nation and the freedoms we have in the United States. Thank you Lord for the mercies you have shown to our country. Forgive us for not living out your ways and help us to turn our hearts to you so our land may be healed and you may receive all the glory.

Jorgie having some cooling off summer time swimming with "Old Faithful"...her long time buddy...Athan. How sweet these little ones have each other and build such sweet memories. Truly friends!

May brought my dear brother and his precious family to San Antonio. Although we were happy to see them we wished it would had been for better reason for them to make their visit to SA from Oxford, Mississippi. Sadly, Sadie, Lexy and Little John had to come because their sweet mom passed away. It was such a hard loss. I know I will always remember their mamma and I know these kids are blessed to know where she is. This is a photo of most of the cousins as we watched fireworks at Fiesta Texas then we took pictures with area Firefighters. Love you kids.

In May Jeri was awarded the first place prize for winning, regional and state in the local Immigration Council's Annual 5th grade Essay Writing Contest. This years topic was "Why I am Glad America is a Nation of Immigrants." She was
nervous to read her poem in front of 900 immigrants being sworn in as American Citizen but in the end she rose to the challenge and was successful. I am so super proud of her! :)

Jamie also found herself exploring new territory. In May she interviewed and was accepted to partake in the Blue Jay Volunteer Program at Methodist Hospital. She is amazing. She has escorted patients all over the hospital, worked in Labor & Delivery, Gift Shop, Information Desk, SICU and now she is on the "Popcorn Committee." Next week she stands in for her boss while she is on vacation. Jamie is growing in time management and responsibility, which were my goals for her through this program. Love it!!!

Jorgie was busy too! Ever keeping us on our toes, this time she was busy making the perfect Father's Day Gift for Daddy! She made a striking tie for Daddy to wear and she posed for a picture in front of a mural that has her orange hand print in the design. Love you "Jorga"...we will be celebrating your 4th birthday very soon. Our lives are fuller because you are in them. What kind of family would we be without you? I shutter at the thought!

Finally the girls and I were given some sweet Missions Tickets to see San Antonio's Minor League Baseball Team. So we set out on a Sunday evening to watch our first ever Missions game...and it was soooooooo much fun. We can't wait to do it again! Thanks Nana, Popo and Marcus!

Lots of Volleyball

 Glad to be their mom.

VBS...Panda Mania

Jamie & Jeri with their crew.

Jorgie with Panda Mania Pete.

Best Buds.
We had such a wonderful time.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

It's Quite a List...Latest Reading for Me!

There are several books on my summer reading list for 2011. They range from a variety of topics covering everything from Biblical Womanhood to Homeschooling, to seeing the Tolerated Sin within ourselves all the way to a rising debate on Heaven and Hell.

I find this a great book....but highly controversial. Their approach to biblical womanhood and femininity is precise and truthful but it is a hard message to swallow. I would recommend this book. I would caution, however, that loads of grace is required! Grace for yourself and grace to give. 

2. Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe by Todd Wilson. I have not read this book yet. I am looking forward to seeing what the husband of a homeschooling wife has to say, not mention his perspective as a father of homeschooling children. As a woman, be it that I homeschool, or am a wife, or a friend or whatever my disposition may be I tend to be easily influenced by many things. I guess that is why I am a daughter of Eve. And left to myself many of the things I ponder can take deep root into my heart. And without any fault of my own, completely innocent many of these things can be outright lies and deceptions. I am eager to read through these pages the lies Satan has tried to pour into my life to keep me from seeing the Truth of my Lord.

3. Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges is our current Titus 2 book of the month selection. We will be discussing this one in August. I have read this before but am delighted to read it again. It is a MUST read message for every believer today. The message of the Gospel is a message for Sinners... it is a message for Me! Mr. Bridges has a simple way to make the everyday, learned believer that we are not immune to sin and are in need of the Gospel just as much today as in the day when we first believed. As a matter of fact the closer we come to Jesus the more profoundly we should be able to see the subtle everyday sin that lingers in our heart. The problem is that we have become used to it, never the less, it is still a stench to the LORD.

4. Lies Young Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free
by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Dannah Cresh. I am currently skimming through this one to read along side my daughter Jamie. Jamie is 14 years old and very innocent minded. God has been gracious in guiding us to kept her pure in so many areas of her being. This book is loaded with Truth. It speaks to todays young ladies and the struggles they encounter. I would urge caution with those of you who have daughters who are not to familiar sexual sin, abuse and other things that target young ladies today. This book exposes the lies of Satan and brings the remedy of God Truthful Word to heal many who have been wounded by the deceptions and standards that are so easily accepted as normal today.

5. & 6. Now these two next books are truly the center of my reading right now. I stumbled across the title  Love Wins by Rob Bell while listening to a message at the web site of Ravi Zacharias. After reading and listening to the commentary I immediately wanted to read this book for myself. I started researching this book more and more and my initial thoughts were becoming more confirmed...the message in Love Wins is a partial truth. It has scriptures quoted and biblical story accounts but the conclusion he comes to is a modern message. It is not in line with the traditional teachings of old...which is partly his argument. He is trying to tell his reader that maybe what we have been taught for so many years about heaven and hell is NOT really what Jesus meant. He is trying to build a case to state that after we die nobody will really be sent to hell after all because the love of God is so great it conquers banishing anyone to hell.
BUT God's timing is always perfect...while researching Love Wins I received an email that Erasing Hell the newest book by Francis Chan was being released the following day. Now I have to admit...I know many, many people love Mr. Chan but I am more reserved. Only because I think his message in Crazy Love can cause feeble minds to focus on how much God loves us that we can fail to recognize that the wonderful God that loves us so very much is also a God who desired to pour out His wrath on us. I know the latter part of that statement is something not many people desire to associate with such a loving God but it is Truth and is displayed in the crucifixion of His beloved Son...Jesus.
Now after watching a video from Francis Chan about Erasing Love  I went and bought the book and started reading it. I have not put it down, I agree with his thoughts... after all they are all based in scripture. Now I have to admit I have never had an in-depth study of heaven and hell. But I believe God is starting to give me understanding on the topics of heaven and hell as I research/read these two books and study Gods Word. I think it is important to weigh how scripture is taught against scripture itself and wait on the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth.  In a time when many people say they believe in God and even associate themselves as followers of Christ, I think it is important to know exactly who this God is that we say we follow. All you and I can do is weigh the evidence. Do this by studying history, reading books and really studying the Bible. I know there are many "God loving people" who don't believe that God would cast anyone to hell but read why he says that would happen. Read in His Word why He says that has to happen. After a thorough study Of Isaiah last year in BSF I have come to believe we can never truly even begin to capture a glimpse of God's true love for us until we understand and come to terms with His Wrath toward sin.
I also want to say I have gained a new appreciation for Mr. Chan. :)

This is an MSNBC interview between Martin Bashir and Love Wins author Rob Bell about Rob's overall message in Love Wins. Notice how Mr. Bell squirms while trying  to dodge answering Mr. Bashir's questions. But even more fascinating then that is watch Mr. Bashir try to make an argument against Mr. Bell in defense of the true Gospel Message. WOWSERS!!!!  I don't know where Mr. Bashirs religious loyalties lie but I do know as a journalist he is being politically correct. If we live in a time where any other religion can be given the liberties to stand on whatever they believe then Christianity has the same right to stand on what it believes to be truthful according to the Word of God without change or compromise...and Mr. Bashir is setting a platform for that. Way to Go Martin!

I hope you will grow in all godliness and be encouraged by the greatness of God's character. When we study topics like heaven and hell we can question our faith. We are apt to turn from a God who would "punish." But remember God desires that all, you and me and everyone in between, would turn to him in repentance. That we as a sinful people, that you or me, as sinners would turn to Him and receive the forgiveness and healing our lives so desperately need.
On a personal note...I was saved rather young, made a declaration for Christ in my twenties but was truly converted in my thirties. As a youngster I was "invited to church" by a church goer. I heard of hell, was afraid and said a prayer. But I never knew God. As a young woman I did the same thing but this time I started to read my Bible but I fell in love with the message of how much God loved me and how wonderful I was! Yet, I still was hateful with Ramiro, a horrible mother, selfish, name it! I never exhibited or yielded any fruit of the Spirit and I never yielded fruit that bore witness that I was truly remorseful. Then four years ago I heard the Gospel message that I am a sinner and all that it entails and I was truly sorrowful and for the first time in my conversion I began to be transformed. You see I could never truly understand God's great, great love for me until I understood what I was...a sinner...and what I deserved...God's wrath. And when I realized Jesus stood in front of me to take my deserving punishment in stead of me...oh how grateful and thankful I became. In all honesty I was never thankful for the gift of Jesus because I never understood what it was he really did.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Great Expectations...

Great Expectations a message from Stephen Davey from Wisdom for the Heart.Heard this message while I was cleaning the girls classroom in preparations for the upcoming week. And you know I am glad I listened. I have many expectations in my life. I have also had expectations that have failed or never came to pass which have caused such great disappointment that sometimes it is simply easier to not expect anything at all. But I have also seen many of my expectations met. And I have been blind sighted by both good and bad expectations. But currently this message helps because right now I am hoping, preparing and expecting to have another baby before I get to old. I am 37 years old. To God it is young but to man that is maybe...a bit past child bearing years. In June 2009 I had a miscarriage. I remember it quite well. Recently a friend of mine had found out unexpectantly she was pregnant. I remember telling her, "I hope it happens like that for me! I have always planned my pregnancies." Well, it did. Shortly afterward I found out I was pregnant...but you know I wasn't happy and grateful like I thought I would be. I looked at our situation and thought this is not the time for another bay. I was ashamed! Well, a few weeks later I lost that baby. Now I am NOT a name it and claim it believer. I don't think I have so much power that I possess the ability to cause things to happen. I think God is Sovereign! Why that pregnancy was lost I do not know. But what did I simply trust God and His will for my life. So now I find myself in expectation again. Hoping that I will receive another chance to have another child. This message helps because whether that chance comes or not, God's will for my life, His love for me are so much better then what I can will for myself. I'm encouraged...I hope it encourages you too!

A Message to Parents...especially Fathers!

A Divided Heart, A Divided Home by Ravi Zacharias is part 1 of a 2 part series. This message has reminded Ramiro and I what is the most important assignment the Lord has given to us... our family. Please take time to listen to this timely message of truth and be renewed as we where after we heard it over and over!

Friday, April 29, 2011

20011 Texas Wildflower Project

Our Star Students 

Texas State Flower "Bluebonnets"
They did a great job!!! And what was the goal, you may ask? Results!!! And boy did I see results today. The students got an "A" for effort, an "A" for participation and an "A" for academics. Sometimes these little projects we do with our homeschool children seem like a waste of time. We may tend to think to ourselves, what's this really going to accomplish? Or, I have so many other things to do, I really don't have the time to do this right now. Or we can do the next one. And yes it is true many times, there will usually be a next time. But I think it is important to take the moment by the horns and run with an opportunity. The things our youngsters learn is invaluable. They learn to communicate. They were asked to share the "story" of their project and how it came to life. They learned the life of the flowers and the deep history intwined within them. They learned to critically think. And what I mean by this is that they had to think critically by prioritizing the various jobs they needed to do. Surely they couldn't create until they had picked flowers. And they couldn't have researched until they gathered the flowers they were going to research. They learned (in a subliminal way) how to sequence events by whats important first. And that my friend is a skill they will need life long, doing the most important things first and then working your way down the list. Next they had a chance to put their creativity to practice. They used crayons, markers, fresh flowers, printed images, photos, laminating machines, contact paper and on and on. Over all they grew in leaps and bounds and I say, "BRAVO!!!!" Job well done!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

So super Proud of her!

In January 2011 I saw a posting in the FEAST Manna for fifth graders to participate in a creative writing contest. So naturally I told Jeri she was entering, of course she refused. But a few nights before it was due I sat her down and gave her some inspiration. The topic was "Why I Am Glad America is a Nation of Immigrants." Since this wasn't a topic we discussed often I thought if she could see pictures of immigrants on the internet and read their stories it might help her. But as we were researching I remembered that old song from Neil Diamond called "Coming to America." I quickly looked on
you tube and we watched the following video.
It seemed to come very easy afterward. Now the contest rules said the final product could be an essay, interview, story or poem. So we opted for the poem. As we watched the video we sat and discussed what it was we were watching. We talked about the different people, where they came from, what brought them here, what America offered that was different from where they were coming from. We talked about history, how our country was started and why it was started. Then we started pointing out key words and thoughts. The next thing we know we were rhyming words and out came a rough draft of thoughts. Jeri typed it on the computer and I forwarded it on to the FEAST office for editing. Then off it went to the law office for judging. Wednesday I received a phone call that Jeri's poem won 1st place in San Antonio as well as at the State level. It has been forwarded on to compete in the National level. If she wins we could win a trip to San Diego where she will read her poem to those attending the Immigration Councils Annual Benefit Dinner. She will also have the privilege of having her poem published in the Congressional Record.  We are so excited. In the meantime Jeri will receive a mini Statue of Liberty and $100.00 on May 18th at Trinity University.
I am so proud of her. Jeri has always loved to write. I have countless stories packed away that she has written over the years. She loves to write creatively. I am eager to see how this will develop in her life. I believe she will go on to do great things with her thoughts!

It was Amazing!

Lone Star Classic Volleyball Tourney 2011
It was an awesome experience. There must have been 400 volleyball teams from all over Texas and surrounding states last weekend at the dallas Convention Center.  The courts went on and on. These girls were all 14 and they all came for one purpose... to win!
It was so exciting to see Jamie be apart of something so great. Her team arrived Friday afternoon and they played against four other teams on the same court. They were ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Jamie's team placed 2nd. From there they were placed in the winners bracket..woohoo!! Saturday they started playing but lost all their games. Going into Sunday it was win or go home. We went home. The competition was good. Her team fought but in the end it was a great experience. What does team sports achieve? I believe it has a great potential to achieve so much more then a competitive spirit or poor sportsmanship! I have seen great growth in Jamie. And for the first time all season I saw her try and try in her last game to win. It was the first time I saw her really make an extreme effort to rise above and fight the good fight, regardless of how it ended! Yes, there is a lot to learn. Commitment! She has learned to stay committed even when the team is losing and you want to quit! She is realizing that her mistakes don't make the game, neither do her achievements make the game! She works as a team with seven other girls to accomplish the same goal. So she is learning teamwork, a skill she will need as a wife, mother, nurse or friend. She is learning to be physically fit. Jamie has been working hard these past few months on her diet. She is finally becoming aware of what she is eating, how much and which foods fuel her or defeat her. She is growing a desire to try hard things. She wants to continue on in this sport and see how far she can go. And most of all she is learning to develop socially. She is growing more and more confident and less and less shy. She has grown some beautiful friendships with her sweet teammates. All the girls are uniquely different from one another and that has been great for Jamie. I think it is a valuable life lesson for Jamie to see that we are all different. We are created for different purposes by God. It has been a wonderful year in club volleyball for Jamie. We look forward to all the great things God does in her life through this sport.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Guidelines... Five Minutes about Hell

Guidelines is a radio ministry that teaches on various Biblical topics. Click here to link to their website and hear about hell.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Jesus said, "In this life...

Let’s fill in the blank. Jesus said, “In this life you will have all your requests granted.” No!  Second Corinthians states that Paul asked three times to have some unknown torment removed, but the Lord refused. Rather then granting his desire the Lord gave Paul additional grace to help him in his weakness. Did Jesus say, “In this life you will be liked and appreciated, especially for your pursuit of righteousness?” No!  In Acts 7:54 it states, “When they heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him.” Who was furious, at whom and why? The Jewish people became furious at Stephen when He accused them (his fellow Jews) of nailing Jesus to the Cross and missing the Messiah. They did not like him. They hated him, so much so, they stoned him to death!  In Luke 6:26 Jesus said, “Woe to you when men speak well of you, for this is how they treated the prophets.” So it’s not that. 
There are so many things we “expect” in this life. We expect to have our prayers answered, and answered our way. We expect to be prosperous, including financially. We expect to be healed, after all doesn’t the scriptures say, “That what so ever you ask in the name of Jesus will be granted?” We expect so much in this temporal and momentary life. But the one thing Jesus said that I WILL have in this life is trouble! As a matter of fact, these are His exact words, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
You see I need to read scriptures like these. I need to be reminded that it is his purposes for my life that will be unfolded. 
In Isaiah 46: 9-10 the Sovereign Lord says, 
“Remember the former things, those of long ago; 
I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like me.
I make known the end from the beginning,
from ancient times, what is to come.
‘I say: My purpose will stand,
and I will do all that I please.”
You see, today I have had a rough day. It has actually been a rough few weeks.
I feel silly admitting my weakness (but I want to be ranked among those as Paul)  especially when I just wrote on my blog a few days ago... Lord let me have a Christian home. A home where the mommy teaches the Bible and teaches her children to love it. Well today I was not an example of that. In all honesty, had the humility factor not shown up this would have been leverage for my girls to turn from the Bible. Before the night ended and they settled into their beds I gathered my daughters and read 1John 1: 8-10 with them and really emphasized vs. 9. 
It states, “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives.” 
So with my daughters I confessed my sin of anger and frustration combined with unkind words. As I sat there and asked for their forgiveness I was humbled yet disappointed in my failure. As I cried and received their forgiveness and prayers I realized the things that are occurring in my life are all planned and purpose by the Sovereign Lord for whatever reason. I may never know the reasons but I can trust that He will grant me peace. I know if I really wanted to be stubborn I can make things happen. I could change the way the things are in my life. God would allow me to go my way and follow the way that seems right to me only to learn that it is His ultimate will that will be achieved. 
So I write tonight because I have a heavy heart. Somedays are just hard. Life is hard. Jesus said, “In this life you will have trouble!” Expect it! 
I can’t help but question why? Is it because of Satan...perhaps? Is it because of sin...maybe? Is it because of this fallen world we live in...possibly? Have I done something wrong...more then likely? But regardless of the reasons why trouble is in my life or in your is all granted, allowed and purposed by the Sovereign Lord and somehow...that is comforting.
Before I close I want to end with a scripture about the Sovereignty of God and many scriptures of the tribulations promised to the children of God.
Isaiah 48: 17
This is what the Lord says-
your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
“I am the Lord your God,
who teaches you what is best for you,
who directs you in the way you should go.”
Acts 14: 21-22
Then they (Paul and Barnabas) returned to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch, strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain in the faith. “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,” they said.
Roman 5: 3-5
Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given to us.
Romans 12:12
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
2 Corinthians 1: 3-4
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
1 Thessalonians 3: 1-4, 6-7
So when we could stand it no longer, we thought it best to be left by ourselves in Athens. We sent Timothy, who is our brother and God’s fellow worker in spreading the gospel of Christ, to strengthen and encourage you in your faith, so that no one would be unsettled by these trials. You know quite well we are destined for them. In fact, when we were with you, we kept telling you that we would be persecuted. And it turned out that way as you well know. But Timothy has just now come to us from you and has brought good news about your faith and love. He has told us that you always have pleasant memories of us and that you long to see us, just as we also long to see you. Therefore, brothers, in all our distress and persecution we were encouraged about you because or your faith.
Life is not easy! The Lord never promised it would be. He promised to be with us, to never leave us, to see us through it, to grant us peace, comfort and grace. He will strengthen his people and he will not leave us without hope.
He is our all, in all!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Are you a Salty Lady?

In Matthew 5:13, Jesus said, "You are the salt of the earth." Who is?  ME?!!  Just what does that mean?  Why salt?  After learning a little more about this today in BSF I walked away with a deep desire to be a "Salty Lady" and to surround myself with other "Salty Ladies."
Salt is so much more then a seasoning. Yes, it enhances and brings out flavor. Most of my suppers would not be eaten if salt were not added.  It also acts as a perservative and protects. But what struck me most about salt is that it creates thirst. Have you ever noticed that? Well just go suck on a Chinese Candy and I guarantee you will soon be looking for a pitcher of water!
In Isaiah 55 the Lord summons an invitation to all who are "thirsty" to come to Him and receive His waters, wine and milk. What beautiful metaphors here. The water signifies salvation, the wine is a picture of joy and a zest for life and the milk represents nourishment. All of these given by the Lord for us to drink of when we come to Him "thirsty." He freely gives them to us without cost and I am so grateful He does. There is not  enough money in the world that could pay for the salvation, joy and nourishment that He provides for weary souls.
But see in Isaiah 55:1 He calls the "thirsty." Well in the New Testament Jesus made various references to thirst as well. Just take a look:
-Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. (Matthew 5:6)
-Jesus answered,  "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John 4:13-14)
-On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood up and said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." (John 7:37-38)
-The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life. (Revelation 22:17)
All of these are references to those who are thirsty and an invitation to drink free of charge.
You see what we truly thirst for is salvation, whether we know it or not. We go here and there looking for something to satisfy the unquenchable thirst. We turn drugs, money, success, vanity, sex in an attempt to satisfy our thirst. But just as easy as the thirst is quenched it once again returns. Why? Because there is only one remedy for those who "thirst." The finished work of Jesus on that Cross. Once you drink His water of salvation you never thirst for anything to momentarily satisfy. Once you drink His wine nothing else will ever bring you joy. Knowing that your sins are eternally forgiven and you can start anew brings a zest and joy for living. Just ask a woman who has had an abortion then receives the forgiveness from the Lord after drinking from His fountain. She can live again with joy instead of sorrow and despair. Once we drink from His waters, His salvation brings us the nourishment to grow and to learn His ways to live both here, in the land of the living, and in eternity to come. Only He can nourish us in such a way.
But back to salt!! Jesus said you and I were the salt of the earth. And salt creates thirst. And that is what we want in order for people to come to Jesus. They need to be thirsty. So how does this happen. It happens by creating the thirst in them.  Does your life let off salt? Does your relationship with the Lord let off enough saltiness that those around you begin to thirst? Do they start looking for something to drink by your example? Do they begin to be challenged by your convictions and standards? Then you are a "Salty Lady!" See we, I, want to be that salt of the earth Jesus spoke of. When people, my children, my husband look at my life I want them to begin to desire something of what is within me. That is the flow of the living waters Jesus spoke of. It is actually the Holy Spirit they are starting to thirst for when they see something good and worth desiring in me? The way you handle difficult situations can create thirst in another. The way you speak to your children and love your husband creates thirst. And a big one...suffering...the way you and I handle suffering and trials creates thirst as well. Do you give God glory when trying things happen in your life? Or do you whine and complain? Do you accept His Sovereignty for all things and trust in Him or do you doubt and wonder where is God? The way we react to how God unfolds our life will either turn people to the Lord or push them further away. They will become thirsty for something but for what will that be...we want that to be the Lord.
Another thing about thirst, sometimes we don't even know we are thirsty until we see a drink. Think about it. How many times are you sitting on the sofa watching television and you are fine until you see that commercial for a Coke or a Lemonade? The next thing you know you are thirsty? You would have never known you were thirsty had you not been stimulated. The same is true in life. Many, many people are walking around spiritually dehydrated. They are thirsty and don't even know it. But once they see your lived out Christian life you have the ability to cause them to realize they are thirsty. Are you going to give them a thirst for something that satisfies? Are you willing to be the salt of the earth? Are you a Salty Lady?" With Jesus we will never thirst again.

Monday, March 21, 2011

My Desire

Looking through my hymn book the other day I came across this modern day hymn.
B.B. McKinney wrote God, Give Us Christian Homes. 
I love the words penned in this music sheet.
Homes where the Bible is loved and taught, and where the Master's will is sought.
Yes, may I grow more and more diligent to teach my family to love the Bible and live it. And may we all grow a deep desire to  live our lives to please the Lord and not ourselves.
Homes where the Father is true and strong.
Homes where the mother is caring and desires to show your way is best.
Homes where the children are led to know the Lord.
How accurate! A home where we all fit into our proper roles and we function best in it.
Oh Father may this be more then a beautiful hymn I have come across. May this be the lived out reflection of my hearts's desire. Help me to accomplish such a great and honored task. And the many, many places I fall short, help me to have the grace and strength to endure?
In your name Jesus. Amen.
Is this the cry of your heart too? Is this your home? Do you desire it to be? Turn to the One who is able to grow the things that dreams are made of. The One who can turn a life of wrongs into a life of rights. Repentance is always the key. And Jesus is always the door that opens to the Way!

A Great Life Lesson

Proverbs 19 Lesson

Current Conduct in Red/ Desired Conduct in Black
 This was an absolutely great lesson. My girls are learning the Book of Proverbs this year for their Bible Curriculum. We use the AMO Enrichment Guide with the New King James Bible and it has been an excellent resource for learning the book of Wisdom. Today's study was this simple format:
Key Word
Conduct (noun): personal behavior; manner of acting or conducting yourself.
The conduct of the young child builds the man.
Memory Verse
It is by his deeds that a youth distinguishes himself if his conduct is pure and right. (Proverbs 20:11)

After we learned the Key Word we took a few minutes to write down what we believe our current conduct to be. The girls were very accurate in their self perceptions. They didn't think to highly of themselves, nor did they think themselves things they were not. For instance Jamie was right on when she said she was happy, kind and giving. Yet she was also right when she said she was selfish and mean. Jeri shared that she tends to be selfish and silly, yet she is also funny and nice. Yes, these accurately desribe my daughters' behaviors'. They were able to identify what kind of "conduct"...behavior they have, both good and bad. They see they don't always behave with acts of kindness, love and obedience. They tend to want to behave in ways that are comforting to them usually resulting in acts of selfishness and meanness. Had we stopped there the lesson would have looked hopeless. But we continued on and learned the Principle of this lesson and WOW!"The behavior we develop as children builds us into the man/woman we will one day be. We took some more time to write down what we hoped to be built into someday. And the girls said some hopeful things. Jeri said she hopes to be built into a woman who serves, loves, is nice, gives to others, not selfish, doesn't get angry, listens and as does what others ask of her, and is calm. Jamie said she wanted to one day be a woman who was nice, follower of Jesus, skinny (not really a conduct issue) and gentle & quiet. I am hopeful for them. You see I didn't have the insight's they have when I was a child. The adult I grew into was straight out of the child I was. I became a grown woman full of selfishness, jealousy, anger, pride, arrogance and conceit. Yes, I was kind and nice. But that was not the essence of who I was and wanting to be. I had no desire to follow the way of righteousness because I didn't know what the right ways were. The Book of Proverbs and the Bible itself tells us what the right ways are. Gods way of growing things, doing things and becoming the way He desires are all found throughout His Word. I didn't know them or Him because I didn't know His Word. So I behaved the way I wanted and did what I thought was right. The Bible says "There is a way that seems right to a man but the end of that way leads to death." That was the way I was headed and my "conduct" proved it. But what grace God has shown to me and my children. At age 37 he is reshaping and building inside me a new way and better way of doing things and being. And I am changing from that old person I used to be into a new person that God desires. And you know what? My daughters are reaping the rewards. As children (young children) they are learning Gods way of proper behavior and decision making. They are learning wisdom and seeing it expressed in their choices and desires. I am so thankful the road for them does not resemble mine. And I am so grateful He is giving them a desire for Godliness, and they are accepting it! Amazing grace!!!
Indeed!!! Great life lesson learned.